Administrative Law Principles and Fair Decision Making

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27 April, 2011

What is this session about and why is it relavent?

Charities and non-profits are frequently drawn into working with or appearing before government actors including policy makers and administrative tribunals. Maybe your agency is trying to get a license to carry on a particular activity; perhaps it is providing assistance to a client who has to appear before a tribunal; maybe you have been invited to give your views at a consultation. The first part of this seminar will focus on how to ensure that you understand these processes and how your work with them can be most effective. The second part of the seminar will focus on the procedures you should use when making decisions that affect the rights and interests of others. How can you ensure that you can make fair decisions when workplace-related conflicts arise among staff, volunteers and clients? What processes should you use when making decisions about which projects your organization should support?

The cost of admission is $50 per person.


About the Presenter:

Professor Karen Busby has been with the University of Manitoba Faculty since 1988. She has an LL.B. (Manitoba, 1981) and LL.M. (Columbia, 1988). She was called to the Manitoba Bar in 1982 and she practiced for a year with Thompson, Dorfman, Sweatman. After studying in France for a year, she was the first clerk with the Federal Court of Appeal (1984-87).

Professor Karen Busby's research and teaching interests include constitutional law, in particular human rights and equality law, civil procedure and administrative law. The equality law research is action-oriented, inter-disciplinary and collaborative; civil procedure research involves conventional legal scholarship (a fastidiously technical pursuit); and administrative law marries law and politics. Her research is also directed at diverse audiences including equality theorists (legal and non-legal); students in different disciplines (Law and Women's Studies); practitioners; judges across Canada and the grassroots women's movement.

Event Contact: 

Linda Brazier Lamoureux
Director, Learning and Innovation
Community Relations and Capacity Building
United Way of Winnipeg
(204) 924-4225

United Way of Winnipeg
580 Main Street
Winnipeg  Manitoba