Designing for the Vision and Values of Your Community

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25 July, 2013
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If you want your project to truly succeed, it must reflect the vision and values of the community. But that’s easier said than done. Join this call to confirm and deepen your understanding of a community’s vision and values, learn how to use that understanding to inform design projects and a range of issues facing communities today, and hear strategies from folks that have succeeded in designing for the vision and values of their community.

We know that great things happen when you get the right people in the same place. That’s why our CommunityMatters® conferences bring together people like you - leaders, thinkers and doers committed to building vibrant communities. Attendees connect, collaborate and generate ideas, then learn about tools and techniques to take action at home.

Our next CommunityMatters conference will take place in the fall of 2014. We encourage you to check back regularly to learn more about all that we’ll offer and how you can be involved.

In the meantime, take a peak at CM'10 to get a feel for what CommunityMatters conferences are all about!

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