Over the years as Fair Trade Manitoba has been working to engage Manitobans in fair trade, one of the most successful (and fun) tools we have used to promote awareness has been the One-Month Challenge. A simple, but effective challenge, where participants make a point to purchase and use fair trade coffee, tea, and chocolate for 30 days. Prizes, contests, a chance to try something new OR to be supported in something you believe strongly in…..not to mention, you are encouraged to eat ethical chocolate for an entire month! Our success has seen nearly 10 000 registrants over the years, with consistent interest from both fair trade enthusiasts and newbies. In the interest of maintaining such success while still growing and keeping dynamic, Fair Trade Manitoba is pleased to present: The Fair Trade Challenge.
A new name, with new timing, and new challenges, the Fair Trade Challenge is going to be a blast! Beginning on Hallowe’en (Oct. 31) and concluding on Buy Nothing Day (Nov. 29), the Fair Trade Challenge still promotes consumer choice and inspires ethical purchasing. The build-up and promotion of this campaign will encourage participants to consider the producer behind their Hallowe’en treats while the early holiday shoppers will have some food for thought. This year’s participants will not only be challenged not to give in to those temptations but will be asked to be creative with how to effectively confront normative purchasing practices.
The core challenge will remain the same: consume Fair Trade tea, coffee, and chocolate for 30 days. However, along with the new timing and name, we will offer our participants the opportunity to find the right “challenge” for each individual or group. This year Fair Trade Manitoba will be featuring different types of alternative challenges.
- Sign up before October 30th to be eligible for the first Challenge prize draw.
- Attend the launch for the Challenge at Menno Simons to see a screening of "The Dark Side of Chocolate"; details can be found here.
- Keep an eye on our FaceBook page for an online quiz during Week 1 of the Challenge.
- Save the date for a Nov. 21st webinar, "Fair Trade Impact and Feedback from Producers".
- Click here to see a video on the new Challenge and to sign up now!