Charity Law Seminar Series: Legal Risk in Charitable Fundraising

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19 February, 2014
Start Time: 

This session examines the legal considerations involved in fundraising. It will look at the statutory framework regulating fundraising, as well as the Fundraising Guidelines established by the Canada Revenue Agency in 2009 . It also will review receipting, donor restricted gifts, duties and risks associated with directors and volunteers, donor rights, challenges to traditional fundraising from non-traditional sources, risk management and other issues.

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Guest Speakers

Leilani Kagan
Ms. Kagan’s practice is focused on corporate and commercial transactions, including mergers, acquisitions and securities matters with a primary focus on owner-manager taxation issues, corporate reorganizations, estate planning, trusts and commodity tax issues. Ms. Kagan’s practice includes charities and non-profit organizations.

Peter Glowicki
Mr. Glowicki practises primarily in the area of wills, trusts and estate laws, including all aspects of estate planning, administration and litigation. In addition, he is actively involved in charity, not-for-profit law, corporate and commercial matters. Called to the Bar in Manitoba in 1992, Peter acts as counsel to the Winnipeg Foundation and was an organizer/presenter at Kaizen 2007 & 2011, the Canadian Association of Gift Planners Manitoba gift planning conference. peter is an elected council member of the Manitoba Bar Association, the Secretary of the CBA National Charity and Not-For-Profit section, the Co-Chair of the MBA Wills and Estates Section, on the Board of Directors of the Winnipeg Branch of STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practioners) Canada and is Chair of the Lawyers section of the Professions Division for the United Way of Winnipeg campaign.

Charity Law Seminar Series

The Charity Law Seminar Series will provide participants with a good understanding of the legal and regulatory environment within which charities and non-profits operate, and will assist charities in grappling with some of their most pressing human resource issues. While each seminar will have a distinct focus, participation in all five will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of charity law issues.

This is 3 in a series of 5 workshops. Download the complete seminar brochure.

United Way of Winnipeg
Winnipeg  Manitoba