9:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Time
25 Anderson Avenue
How do we make a difference? Many community organizations feel like they have a good handle on how they are impacting their clients – but how clear is that story? Can you explain how the money and time that you put into your programs turns into specific outcomes for participants or the community? Would one of your program participants recognize that story if you told it?
This workshop will guide you through a step-by-step process designed to identify your organization’s theory of change, which is a formal expression of who you impact, and how you impact them. To get there, you will need to identify who you might be impacting, plan out ways to talk to them, and ask the right questions when you do. This workshop will guide you through this process and provide an opportunity for you to begin your own theory of change process.
This is Part 1 of a 3-workshop series that will run on March 26, April 2nd, and April 9th. Click here to learn about all of them. The registration link will allow you to register for all 3.
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