Charity Law Seminar Series – Administrative Law Principles

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16 April, 2014

April 16 | 9-11:30am
580 Main St.
$50 registration

Charities and non-profits are often drawn into working with or appearing before government actors, including policy makers and administrative tribunals. This seminar will focus on understanding the processes as well as on the procedures you should use when making decisions that affect the rights and interests of others to ensure fair decisions – for example, in situations of workplace conflict.

[ register here ]

Guest Speaker

Karen Busby
With the University of Manitoba since 1988, Professor Busby’s research and teaching interests include constitutional law, in particular human right and equality law, civil procedure and administrative law. The equality law research is action oriented, inter-disciplinary and collaborative; civil procedure research involves conventional legal scholarship; administrative law marries law and politics.

Charity Law Seminar Series

The Charity Law Seminar Series will provide participants with a good understanding of the legal and regulatory environment within which charities and non-profits operate, and will assist charities in grappling with some of their most pressing human resource issues. While each seminar will have a distinct focus, participation in all five will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of charity law issues.

This is 5 in a series of 5 workshops. Download the complete seminar brochure.

Event Contact: 
United Way of Winnipeg
Winnipeg  Manitoba