Seventh Annual ANSER Conference

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28 May, 2014 to 30 May, 2014

Brock University, St Catharines, Ontario

Join us for what promises to be an engaging and provocative conference.

ANSER/ARES is a dynamic growing association that is organizing its seventh annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. ANSER brings together leading academic researchers, practitioners, consultants, policymakers and community organizations from Canada and internationally to discuss current and emergent issues, debates and challenges in the fields of civil society, social economy, and nonprofit research and practice. Join us for what promises to be an engaging and provocative conference. The theme for the seventh conference at Brock is: Nonprofits and the Social Economy, Pursuing Borders without Boundaries.

Call for Papers 2014

Held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Association for Non-profit and Social Economy Research
St. Catharines  Ontario