July 9-12, 2014
Fredericton, NB
It is an exciting time to be a planner in Canada. After decades of planners working on a seemingly unending parade of vehicle-oriented suburban growth and development proposals, Canadians are demanding fundamental and radical change in their communities. Planners are at the forefront of leading this transformational change.
Citizens want our communities to:
- Provide housing choice
- Incorporate increased density in context and design-sensitive ways
- Deliver more balanced choices in transportation including walkable neighbourhoods and complete streets
- Provide infrastructure to keep people mentally and physically active and healthy
- Amplify local arts and culture
- Provide meaningful employment that sustains quality of life
The theme for the 2014 CIP/API conference is People Matter! It is a call for action for planners to place more emphasis on the physical, social, health and economic elements of communities that enhance quality of life.
The conference will very broadly provide planners and other professionals with practical tools so we can get to work creating vibrant and healthy communities. The theme will explore how the work of planners has the potential to positively impact health by influencing how people live, work, play and eat.
The conference theme is people-focused and built around creating healthy communities. The theme opens up many potential sub-themes that can be further explored as part of the conference.
We welcome conference content in a diverse range of areas including:
- Quality of life: what does it mean in 2014 and beyond?
- Considering human health in the decision making process
- Creating effective health/planning partnerships
- The relationship between good urban and rural planning and Canada’s health care system
- The relationship between urban design and healthy communities
- Transportation and in particular, active transportation including sidewalks, trails, and cycling routes
- Urban agriculture and farming
- Access to fresh local food
- Planning for parks, recreation , and institutional facilities
- Healthy housing for healthier Canadians
- Arts and culture
- Heritage
- Planning for youth-friendly and age-friendly communities
- Healthy economic growth and economic development