Rewriting the Rural Narrative

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9 October, 2014

4:00pm to 5:00pm Eastern Time

Brain drain—the loss of 18-29 year olds—dominates the conversation about rural population change. Yet at the same time, a lesser known migration is occurring.  A majority of rural counties are, in fact, experiencing “brain gains” as newcomers age 30-49 move in. 

Most communities aren’t tuned in to positive migration and miss out on the opportunities that come with newcomers. Ben Winchester, Research Fellow for the University of Minnesota Extension, Center for Community Vitality, has studied the trend and has great ideas for making the most of positive migration patterns.  

Join our next CommunityMatters® and Citizen’s Institute on Rural Design™ webinar to hear Ben’s research on rural migration trends and the impacts they have on social and economic opportunity. Learn how communities are responding to these trends and what can be done in your town.

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Presentation by Ben Winchester, research fellow at the University of Minnesota Extension

Associated blog post:

Brain Drain or Brain Gain? A New Narrative for Rural America
Many rural counties are experiencing “brain gains” as newcomers age 30-49 move in. This migration is keeping small towns alive and contributing to a new narrative about rural places.

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