Municipal Initiatives for the Social Economy

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21 October, 2014

12pm to 1pm Eastern Time

Municipal governments play a key role in setting the conditions for territorial development and in enabling the well-being of their population. It is at the local level that many of the development dynamics that determine the quality of our everyday life converge, and where the sense of belonging and the impact of citizen participation are the most important. Social and solidarity economy (SSE) enterprises are important participants at this level, particularly since they emerge in response to the needs and aspirations of their communities.

Support from municipalities, oftentimes one of the most important local economic actors, is usually critical for a SSE enterprise. Many studies and events, including the Forum on Municipalities and the Social Economy co-organized by the Chantier de l’économie sociale and the TIESS (an organization for the liaison and transfer of innovative practices in the SSE) in April 2014, have illustrated the importance of this relationship and the important impact it has on citizens’ wellbeing. However, the tools available to municipalities interested in supporting the social and solidarity economy and the ways of applying them are still little known or understood.

The webinaire will look at different types of initiatives that can be put into place or supported by municipalities interested in enabling the development of the social and solidarity economy on their territory in order to answer the economic, social, cultural and environmental needs of their community.

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Speaker :

Béatrice Alain is the Coordinator of the RELIESS, an international centre for referencing and networking on public policies for the social and solidarity economy.

Learn more about RELIESS

Event Contact: 
Le Chantier de l'économie sociale
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