Conflict Prevention & Resolution

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29 October, 2014

9:00am to 4:00pm
Danny's Inn, Rue Principale

Conflict, small or large, can have lasting and impactful consequences. Non-profits are not immune to this and in fact may face even greater challenges because of a lack of resources and the involvement of a variety of stakeholders in decision-making. 

Attend this workshop and take part in interactive presentations, group discussions, and case studies that will help you:

  • Identify why and how conflicts arise and what you can do to prevent them;
  • Understand and use interest-based processes and skills that can turn a conflict from a negative experience into an opportunity for personal and organizational growth;
  • Discover practical resources to help you develop preventative policies and practices.

Facilitator: Wendy Keats, Co-operative Enterprise Council of NB

Registration deadline is October 22, 2014

Cost: $60 (HST included) per participant, lunch provided

Register here

For more information or to register
Sylvie Thériault at Chaleur Palliative Community Services
by phone: (506) 546-2525 or by email at: director at

Event Contact: 
Chaleur Palliative Community Services
Beresford  New Brunswick