18 November, 2014
November 18, 2014
01:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Non profit boards today often report that they need guidance finding and keeping effective board members. Succession Planning and Continuity Management are 2 main methods of achieving those goals. Both can be positive and exciting core activities for all board members.
Succession Planning includes recruitment and orientation of board members. Continuity Management focuses on maintaining and developing the knowledge and skills of current board members. The expectations for board members today, the increasing diversity in cultural expectations and norms are significantly greater than in the past. These create a significant challenge for all boards that want to serve their members and clients well.
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Learning objectives:
- Drivers of change impacting all nonprofit boards.
- The importance of “Common Ground”.
- Analysis of skills and knowledge of current board members and needs analysis.
- Setting up a recruitment, orientation, and development plan.
- Professional development recommendations for boards in 2014.
About the Trainer: Ron Hayes
Ron specializes in Soft Skills training. He has extensive experience in the non-profit sector as a Board Member, Executive Director and facilitator of workshops, some of which include Strategic Planning, Effective Board Operations, Communications, Management Styles, and Conflict Management.
410 - 5 Donald Street
Volunteer Manitoba Board Room
Winnipeg, MB R3L 2T4
Volunteer Manitoba
Winnipeg Manitoba