12:00 Noon EDT
This webinar will present findings from a knowledge project submitted to ESDC. We will have an overview of the challenges and opportunities that not-for-profit (NFP) organizations experience when attempting to partner with the private business sector and identify resources/tools that NFPs could use for partnering with the private sector.
Format: 30-minute presentation followed by 30 minute Q & A session
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About Dr. Tessa Hebb
Dr. Hebb is the Director of the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Canada. Her research - which focuses on Responsible Investment and Impact Investment - is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Government of Canada. She has published many books and articles on responsible investing and impact investing policies including the volumes Working Capital: the Power of Labor’s Pensions; No Small Change: Pension Fund Corporate Engagement; The Next Generation of Responsible Investing; and SRI in the 21st Century: Does it make a Difference to Society. In November, at the 2014 Social Finance Forum Dr. Hebb received an award from the Women In Leadership Foundation & the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing celebrating her career of groundbreaking work in impact investing.