Building Your Social Enterprise Pre-Workshop Webinar (Northern BC Only)

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17 February, 2015

12 noon - 1pm

Enterprising Non-Profits is offering a 1 hour pre-workshop webinar to assist community stakeholders, intermediaries, and non-profits in Northern BC to determine if grants and resouces from Enterprising Non-Profits may support your organziation and/or project,

You will be introduced to the concept of social enterprise including the what & the why as well as an overview of resources and grants available from Enterprising Non-Profits..  There is no cost to attend, however please register in advance to receive log-in information.

This webinar is only open to those wishing to attend one of Enterprising Non-Profits Building your Social Enterprise Workshops in the following locations:

To register click on one of the communities above.

Event Contact: 
Enterprising Non-Profits BC
Webinar  British Columbia