Local Prosperity Talks: Gregory Heming

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21 February, 2015
Start Time: 

Gregory Heming, Municipal Councillor, District 5, Annapolis County, NS. will be delivering a talk and hosting a discussion on alternative options for rural economies. Mr. Heming will talk about the reality of creating a new economic narrative, one that is happening in many communities throughout the Maritimes and across Canada.

"...business-as-usual is not quite good enough. [Local economies] have begun to embrace not only ecological economics but are also exploring the long-term effect of what some economists are calling 'restorative economies'; essentially restoring land and people to a new beginning and a more equal and prosperous longer-term. future." 
           - Gregory Heming in Rural Delivery Magazine, 2015

Gregory Heming

Gregory is a municipal councillor in Annapolis County, NS, and chair of the County’s Economic Development Committee. Holding a PhD in Ecology with post graduate studies in religion and philosophy, he has spoken, written and published extensively on economics, environment, and public policy.  Gregory is a member of the Club of Rome. He brings a strong voice for a new economic model based on steady-state economics and a more enlightened approach to revitalizing rural Canada.

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Local Prosperity: New Economics for Rural Canada
Saint Thomas University
Fredericton  New Brunswick