Webinar: RESP and Canada Learning Bond Basics

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13 March, 2015
Start Time: 

Join us for this 45-minute introduction (or refresher) on RESPs and the Canada Learning Bond with a focus on how they can benefit lower-income families. This session will provide a brief overview with time for questions and is geared towards those who work directly with lower-income families. Click here to register

Webinar Details:

The webinar will take place online at 1 PM EST on March 13, 2015. To register contact us at info@smartsaver.org. You will receive the webinar link in your confirmation email.

About the Canada Learning Bond

The Canada Learning Bond is a federally-funded education savings grant for children of lower-income families receiving the National Child Benefit Supplement. The Canada Learning Bond offers up to $2,000 in RESP contributions, with no family contribution required, to children born after December 31, 2003. Once an eligible family opens an RESP the Government makes an initial deposit of $500, plus an additional $100 each year until the child reaches the age of 15, up to a maximum of $2,000. To learn more about the Canada Learning Bond visit www.SmartSAVER.org.

About SmartSAVER:

SmartSAVER is a creative marketing initiative involving public, private and community partners that helps lower-income parents become successful savers using Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) and the Canada Learning Bond (CLB). 

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