Community Funding: The New Barn-Raising Webinar

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12 May, 2015

17:00 to 18:00 GMT (London Time)

Community shares are an increasingly popular form of capital for enterprises serving a community purpose such as shops, pubs, community buildings, renewable energy initiatives and local food schemes. Jim Brown, consultant and Strategic Adviser to the UK Government’s Community Shares Unit, will outline progress with these shares and discuss the Microgenius crowdfunding platform which the Unit uses for brokering community share offers.

Erin Barnes, co-founder and Executive Director of Brooklyn-based ioby (derived from the positive opposite of NIMBY) will talk about the crowd-resourcing platform that facilitates a mix of crowdfunding and resource organizing – local people help get neighborhood projects off the ground with money, volunteer time and connections. She will also talk about the potential (and limits) of crowd-resourcing and about what makes for successful campaigns and projects.

About The New Barn-Raising

The New Barn-Raising is an initiative to encourage the exchange of international best practice around sustaining community and civic assets such as parks, recreation centers, libraries, neighborhood stores, senior centers, museums and theaters. These are places and spaces characterized by a high degree of accessibility, popularity and sense of belonging to 'the people'.

The term New Barn-Raising refers to how different groups (business, citizens, foundations, non-profits groups, politicians, social entrepreneurs, social investors, taxpayers and unions) can all pull together to support assets.

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The New Barn-Raising
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