Taking Advantage of Loans to Better Manage Your Social Enterprise!

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22 March, 2016

 Taking advantage of loans to better manage your social enterprise2:00pm to 4pm Eastern Time
United Way of Greater Toronto
26 Wellington Street East
Boardroom 12B

Are you an established Social Enterprise with a new business opportunity or plans for expansion?

Then the Toronto Enterprise Fund has a great financing option to fund your idea! The Mixed Capital Opportunities Fund (MixedCap) will support the expansion of early stage and high growth non-profit social enterprises by providing a hybrid form of capital, comprised of a combined loan (50%) and grant (50%).

If you are an incorporated non-profit, have identified a solid business opportunity and located/operating in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton area, then you will be able to apply for between $10,000 and $30,000 in total investment, split equally between a loan and a grant.

Register for Taking Advantage of Loans to Better Manage Your Social Enterprise!

This workshop will be hosted by Alterna Savings and participants will gain give more information on this grant/loan product. Also it is mandatory to attend the workshop prior to submitting an application. Workshops will be organized every month or so. For more information, check the TEF website or contact Shahil Thomas (at 416-777-1444 ext 365; orsthomas at uwgt.org)

Toronto Enterprise Fund
Toronto  Ontario
Organizational Development
Social Economy & Social Enterprise