Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research Conference 2016

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1 June, 2016 to 3 June, 2016

ANSER/ARES is a dynamic growing association that is organizing its ninth annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. ANSER brings together leading academic researchers, practitioners, consultants, policymakers and community organizations from Canada and internationally to discuss current and emergent issues, debates and challenges in the fields of civil society, social economy, and nonprofit research and practice. Join us for what promises to be an engaging and provocative conference. The theme for the eighth conference at the University of Calgary is: Nonprofits and the Social Economy: Energizing communities.

The conference is an opportunity to welcome and explore the power of ideas to connect people and communities, encourage discussions and debates and to create knowledge and change.  Within this context, nonprofits and other social economy organizations are well poised to lead these discussions.

To information on submitting a paper, see

Save the Date! More information to come...

Visit the ANSER Conference website

ANSER is a Canadian association for those who have an interest in research that pertains broadly to nonprofit organizations and the social economy.

ANSER is working to:

  • foster a collaborative community of scholars and researchers; and
  • develop a Canadian body of knowledge that encompasses such fields as community economic development, philanthropy, nonprofit management, volunteering, social and environmental accounting, government/voluntary sector relationships, social movements, citizen engagement, and civil society.
  • Our interests range from the theoretical to the applied. We have come together to promote the development and application of our knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and others in collaboration with those working in the nonprofit sector and the social economy.
  • Our vision for membership embraces a variety of scholarly fields including economics, history, law, business and management, education, psychology, political science, public administration and sociology.
  • ANSER is working to provide opportunities for members to share their knowledge and expertise, including an annual conference normally held with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our vision is to work collaboratively with other associations with complementary interests and goals.
University of Calgary
Calgary  Alberta
Research & Development
Social Economy & Social Enterprise