Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick's Annual General Meeting and IGNITE LOCAL CED Forum

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20 June, 2016

igniteAGM: 10:00am to 11:30am
IGNITE LOCAL CED Forum: 11:30am to 3:30pm

Dieppe Farmers Market, 232 Gauvin Road

Join the Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick's AGM this year on June 20th from 10:00 – 11:30 am at the Dieppe Farmers Market. The AGM will be followed by a special luncheon and event, IGNITE LOCAL, with guest speakers including John Steinman, well-known television and radio host of Deconstructing Dinner and the President of the Kootenay Co-op, who will share how this small local food co-op became Canada’s largest and most successful. Other presenters and discussions will explore:

  • How NS wind energy companies are using CEDIF tax credits to develop renewable energy projects
  • How New Dawn Enterprises used the CEDIF to create 175 jobs in everything from micro breweries to health care, housing & technology
  • How NB’s new CEDC can help ignite opportunities for community economic development that, until now, we could only dream about

Register for CECNB's AGM and IGNITE LOCAL

Please note CECNB’s annual general meeting will be held at 10:00 am and everyone is welcome. Those interested in attending the Community Economic Development Forum only should arrive for 11:30 am.

COST: $30/person ($20 for members) includes lunch  
Contact: info at or 506-227-9607

Guest Speakers

Jon Steinman, President, Kootenay Co-operative, Nelson, BC
Austen Hughes, President & Director, the Wind4All family
Erika Shea, Director of Communications, New Dawn, Cape Breton
Jeff Harriman, Capital Markets Specialist, NB Financial and Consumer Service Commission

Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brusnwick
Dieppe  New Brunswick
Local economy
Regional Development
Renewable energy
Rural CED