Students for Social Impact Summit

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29 August, 2016

Students for Social Impact Summit12:00pm to 2:00pm
MaRS Auditorium

On Monday, 29 August the British Council is delighted to present the Students for Social Impact Showcase, Pitch Competition and Networking Reception. Please register for one or both events.

Current and recent post-secondary students will present their social ventures, invite feedback and reflections from the social enterprise community. Refreshments will be served.

Register for the Students for Social Impact Summit

Students for Social Impact Pitch Competition and Networking Reception:

Students for Social Impact 2016 participants will pitch for funding to expert judges and a VIP keynote speaker will provide reflections on the students’ pitches and current opportunities for young social ventures. Refreshments will be served. (#SSIMexchange)

Students for Social Impact Facebok group

British Council
101 College Street
Toronto  Ontario
Entrepreneurship & Business Development
Social Economy & Social Enterprise