Social Enterprise 101

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25 May, 2017

Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Social Enterprise ManitobaIn this seminar, we will explore social enterprise models including key issues in development faced by these organizations and the potential of this model to create lasting beneficial social, economic, and environmental change in our communities. We will also feature several local social enterprises, showcasing the strength of this emerging field in Winnipeg.

Attendee will learn the following:

  1. What is social enterprise and why it matters
  2. Key development issues faced by social enterprises related to development, governance, and finance
  3. Strong and impactful local examples of social enterprise

Register for Social Enterprise 101


Frank Atnikov is the Social Enterprise Program Manager at Social Enterprise Manitoba. Frank combines his extensive business background, experience in not-for-profit management, and a personal passion for social justice to help the charitable community solve problems, build capacity, and do more for the common good.

Frank Atnikov
Billy Granger is the Business Consultant at SEED Winnipeg. Billy has over 10 years of small business experience and working in the non-profit sector. He is also a co-op developer with advanced training in this area. At SEED Winnipeg, he regularly has the opportunity to support social enterprises as they work towards their goals. Billy Granger

This seminar is available for remote participants via webinar (i.e. attend from your computer, tablet or smartphone). Please choose “Online” at registration. The day before the event, we will send you an email with the link to join the seminar online.

Online registration will close the day prior to the event. Past this deadline, please call 204-984-2272 to make arrangements to attend the seminar.

WTC Winnipeg
Winnipeg  Manitoba
Social Economy & Social Enterprise
Stories and Experiences