Group Priority Sort – A Method for Identifying Stakeholders' Priorities

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27 February, 2018

Social Impact Squared3:30pm to 5:00pm
McMaster Innovation Park
175 Longwood Rd S #105

The workshop costs $60 (plus taxes and fees).

You are encouraged to sign-up early. To provide an optimal experience with the method, the workshop is limited to 10 people.

This workshop will provide hands-on training in using the Group Priority Sort method to identify stakeholders’ priorities (Jacobson et. al. 2011). In particular, this workshop will show attendees how to use the method to ensure stakeholders’ priorities guide evaluations of social programs or initiatives. Attendees could also apply the method for other tasks, such as strategic planning or needs assessments.

Selecting the right set of items to measure and assess a social program or initiative’s performance is a difficult but important process. The reality is that most organizations only have the capacity to try to improve in a few areas at any one time, and collecting data that organizations do not have the capacity to act on takes away from achieving their social mission.

Register for A Method for Identifying Stakeholders' Priorities

Further, different stakeholders often have different priorities for what performance information is most important. For example, staff may prioritize feedback from participants, while a funding agency may prioritize a set of longer-term outcomes, and another funder may prioritize a different set of measures.

We have found the Group Priority Sort method to be very useful in rapidly identifying a manageable set of performance measures that balances stakeholders’ priorities. Essentially, the Group Priority Sort method brings stakeholders together to come to a consensus on how to rank their priorities on a 1 to 5 scale. During the workshop, we’ll show attendees how to use existing logic models or theories of change to create a list of potential performance measures. Then, we’ll review how the Group Priority Sort method can help focus your measurement efforts on stakeholders’ priorities. Lastly, we will complete a practice run of the method.

If you have any questions, you can contact melanie at

Social Impact Squared
Hamilton  Ontario
Planning and Evaluation
Social Economy & Social Enterprise