9:00am - 11:30am
Masonic Memorial Centre
420 Corydon Avenue (Confusion Corner)
Cost is $25 (breakfast included)
Volunteer Manitoba's Funders Forum is an excellent opportunity to find out about funding opportunities directly from the Funders!
During the course of the morning you will have the opportunity to learn how to apply for funding, what types of projects are being funded, and get tips on how to create a successful funding proposal. The Funders Forum is also an excellent way for you to network with other non-profits and charities who will be attending.
Presenting Funders will:
- Provide an overview of their funding, grants, and sponsorships that are available
- Address what types of programs/projects they fund
- Discuss what the application process looks like
- Address their requirements and stipulations, and highlight who is eligible
- Provide other tidbits of advice with regards to applying for their funding
SOLD OUT! Find out more and add your name to the waiting list
Keynote Speaker
Derek Yarnell, Stewardship Manager for CancerCare Manitoba Foundation, will share his expertise on the importance of building and investing in relationships with your donors.
Presenting Organizations/Funders
Community Places
The Community Places Program (CPP) provides capital grant funding and planning assistance to non-profit community organizations for facility or green space construction, upgrading, expansion or acquisition projects.
Neighbourhoods Alive
Neighbourhoods Alive! (NA!) is a long-term, community-based, social and economic development strategy, which recognizes that building healthy neighbourhoods requires more than an investment in bricks and mortar.
The Winnipeg Foundation
The Winnipeg Foundation connects donors from all walks of life with local charitable organizations that help our city flourish, for all.
Service Canada
Donald Meilleur, Manager, Citizen Services and Program Delivery Branch, Government of Canada will speak about the following programs: Canada Summer Jobs, Career Focus, Homelessness Partnering Strategy, New Horizons for Seniors Program, Opportunities Fund and Skills Link.
Closing Remarks
Jackie Hunt, Executive Director, Volunteer Manitoba
For more information, please contact Tracy Douglass at 204-477-5180 or tracy.douglass@volunteermanitoba.ca