7:00pm- 9:00pm
West End Cultural Centre
586 Ellice Avenue
All Welcome
Marcia Nozick is the CEO of EMBERS, the Eastside Movement for Business and Economic Renewal Society, in Vancouver. Marcia is driven by a passion for building sustainable communities. Under her vision and leadership, EMBERS has received many awards and accolades for its work in helping people create productive futures for themselves.
Prior to joining EMBERS, Marcia was the coordinator of Healthy Communities in Winnipeg and associate editor and publisher of City Magazine. She also taught Community Economic Development at Simon Fraser University for eight years and was an accomplished concert pianist.
Marcia holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s Degree in City Planning from the University of Manitoba, has run her own small business, and is the author of a Canadian bestselling book, No Place Like Home: Building Sustainable Communities (1992) that David Suzuki called “must reading.” She is the University of Manitoba’s 2019 Distinguished Alumni Awards Recipient for Professional Achievement.
Hosted by the University of Manitoba, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba, and the Canadian CED Network-Manitoba.