Engaging Saskatchewan Co-operatives and Credit Unions in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action

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15 January, 2020

Saskatchewan Co-operative Association (SCA), in partnership with the Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC), and the Co-operative Council of Regina, is organizing a full day workshop January 15, 2020, in Regina, at the Atlas Hotel.

This event is for co-operative and credit union board members, managers and staff (and anyone else interested) to:

  • provide in-depth information on Truth and Reconciliation, Treaties, and the Calls to Action, and
  • discuss how co-operatives and credit unions can effectively engage in Truth and Reconciliation. 

The one day session will provide context and understanding as to how the Calls to Action and the goal of Reconciliation came into existence. This will be done through educational sessions focused on the History of the Indigenous Treaty Partners, History of the Treaties, History of the Breach of Treaties and the development of Systemic Racism, and then moving forward in to Reconciliation initiatives and understanding and applying the Calls to Action. In order for Reconciliation to be successful in Saskatchewan, we must explore the truths of our shared histories as Treaty Partners. 

This workshop will provide participants with the information and tools they need to engage their organizations and the communities they serve in substantially responding to Truth and Reconciliation, and the Calls to Action. Examples of how other organizations, including co-operatives and credit unions, have responded to Reconciliation and the Calls to Action will be provided. Facilitated discussions will be held with participants about options they have for effectively engaging their organizations and their communities in Reconciliation.  

This workshop is being organized in response to the very positive feedback we received from our April 2019 version of this event in Saskatoon, and requests from attendees of Saskatchewan Co-operative Association Tools for a New Reality conference held in 2018, where a session was held on Responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.

The workshop is being provided without charge for the first 50 people to register (one per organization will have access to free registration). Additional registrants from organizations and registrations after the first 50 tickets will be $50 per person, to cover food costs.  Limited space available -so register ASAP to secure your spot!

Register now!

Saskatchewan Co-operative Association
Regina  Saskatchewan
First Nations, Inuit and Métis
Organizational Development