What If The Stories of The Social Value Marketplace Were Told Better and More Broadly?

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20 October, 2020

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10:00am to 11:30am Pacific Time
1:00pm to 2:30pm Eastern Time

If all of us who are advancing the Social Value Marketplace worked collectively to share our stories, we could shift the narrative. Every story is important. Our stories convey the diversity of motivations and perspectives that bring us together and why the Social Value Marketplace is so important. Our stories can expand understanding and our sphere of influence. They can bring new players to the table and spark collaboration.

What if we explored all the ways we are and could share our individual stories AND the story of the movement in general? What if we leveraged all of our mutual story channels, websites, social media platforms, and email lists in collaborative ways to support one another and our cause? What would success look like?

How can we use stories to expand the circle, influence public policy, market our enterprises, find customers, find suppliers, close deals, and get things done?

In this workshop we will discover the expertise and assets in the room, dream up possibilities, design collaborations, and move towards delivering on our shared potential.

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