How Inter-cooperation Strengthens Co operatives, Economies, and Communities

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10 February, 2021

#IVC_CVI2:30pm to 4:00pm Atlantic TIme

You need to look no further than the International Co-operative Alliance’s set of seven principles to see that inter-cooperation is hard-wired into the DNA of the co-operative business model. Considered to be a co-operative superpower, Principle 6 is focused on the critical importance of co-operation among co‑operatives. Register for this webinar for a deep dive on inter-cooperation from diverse perspectives—from business partnerships and supply chains to the development of new co-operatives. All content will be oriented toward the benefits of inter-cooperation and the opportunities to strengthen co-operatives, economies, and communities. In addition, we encourage you to ask questions as well as share your experiences and best practices. The panellists’ presentation and the discussions afterwards will allow you to develop even stronger co‑operatives, while enriching your experiences as a co-operator.

Register for How Inter-cooperation Strengthens Co operatives, Economies, and Communities


  • Cory Munden—CEO at Leading Edge Credit Union (Newfoundland)
  • Kelly Storie, Executive Director, La Siembra
  • Colette Lebel (Director—Cooperative Affairs), Sollio Cooperative Group

Facilitator: Karen Miner Managing Director, International Centre for Co-operative Management, Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University

Event Contact: 
Co-operation Virtual Institutes
By webinar  Nova Scotia
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