Position: Internship at CCA on Local Food Initiatives

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Internship at CCA on Local Food Initiatives



The Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA) is recruiting a six-month intern to be a Local Food Initiatives Research Associate. If you are a university or college graduate interested in local food, you might be interested in this research and policy job. There will be an opportunity to learn more about the local food movement in Canada, co-operatives, policy and advocacy. The job, which runs from September to February, will be located in Ottawa.


The intern must met criteria for the federal government's Career Focus program.


Currently, the job is being posted internally, but will be advertised externally on August 22. Please check CCA's website or contact Lynne Markell at lynne.markell@coopscanada.coop to get more details and the job posting.


The Canadian Co-operative Association has recently released a report on Local Food Initiatives in Canada, which can be downloaded from their website www.coopscanada.coop




5 Sep 2008
Ottawa  Ontario