This is a highly collaborative position with the overarching goal of enhancing LEF's brand by ensuring that we leverage our activities with our four main stakeholders. (Clients (both individual and employer), Funders (government and donors), Staff, and the local Community At Large).
This is a highly collaborative position with the overarching goal of enhancing LEF's brand by ensuring that we leverage our activities with our four main stakeholders. (Clients (both individual and employer), Funders (government and donors), Staff, and the local Community At Large).
The initial task will be to understand/develop the key message for each of our stakeholder groups, and to identify the different mediums of communication.
Initial tasks will involve enhancing our web presence (via both the existing LEF web site and through existing social networking tools) and assisting with LEF's 30th Anniversary Celebrations.
This is a full time position with special focus on our fundraising, events and research departments. It reports directly to the Executive Director, and works very closely with the LEF Management team.
- To develop a broad-based communication strategy, mapping audiences, tools and key messages. (updated annually or as needed)
- To manage and approve all marketing expenses from each department
- develop and implement an integrated strategy for LEF's marketing investments
- To lead the development of key communications products such as LEF's:
- web site
- annual report
- community guide
- departmental / project flyers
- staff newsletter
- To lead and engage staff in better utilizing social networking tools
- To work collaboratively to ensure graduations are leveraged as marketing opportunities
- To support, coordinate, and seek out public relations opportunities (media etc.)
- To spearhead, with our Events Department, the organization of LEF's 30th anniversary celebrations
- To enhance our media relationships
- To manage and approve all professional development expenses to ensure cohesion and leverage against LEF's overall development goals
21 Aug 2009
416-760-2560 ext. 2560
116 Industry Street
Toronto Ontario