Exciting opportunity to work with a young and growing local company!
Green Bean Coffee Imports is looking to redesign their website. This would include web store and integrated social media presences
Time Frame: 420 hrs (must be resent graduate, or presently enrolled in relevant courses)
- Have a love of coffee
- Looking for someone who can work within a scheduled time frame.
- Re-design website - that allows for easier updates and changes
- Website with language options (French, English, Spanish)
- Set up a web store & payment gateway - paypal
- Email directory for the company
- Social media - assess what is being done now and streamline
- Setup a blog/vlog etc.
The successful applicant may be interested in international affairs and development along with social justice issues and community development. May have exceptional writing and editing.
Application Process:
Please send resume via email – No phone calls please.
Please feel free to check out what we have in place now!
Email: reid5@mymts.net
Green Bean Imports Facebook Page
31 Oct 2011
Green Bean Coffee Imports
Box 319
Clandeboye Manitoba