Recycle-a-Bike Program Co-ordinator

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Seeking Recycle-a-Bike Program Co-ordinator


La Bikery Co-operative is a community bicycle centre with a workshop space for bicycle maintenance andrepairs. Located in the heart of downtown Moncton, on the NB Trail/Trans Canada Trail near the PetitcodiacRiver, the co-operative serves Greater Moncton’s tri-community.


Contract Position Available: The Recycle-a-Bike Coordinator will be responsible for researching, developing,and implementing a Recycle-a-Bike program, designed to recycle unused bicycles and redistribute them withinthe tri-community. Responsibilities include:

  • Research: existing programs to identify best practices and develop a program best suited for La Bikery.

  • Collection: Identify sources of bicycles and coordinate the process of donation with the membership

    and community

  • Storage: Work with volunteers to prepare a designated space for storing bicycles.

  • Processing: Collect information regarding model, style, size, serial #, and condition of bicycles, and

    develop a system to organize this information.

  • Distribution of Bicycles: Organize and manage bicycle distribution system (which could include

    donation and/or sale of bicycles)

  • Develop donor database & "thank you" system



  • Adaptive and innovative thinker.
  • Outgoing, friendly, highly organized person with interpersonal communication, coordination, andsupervisory skills.
  • Previous work or volunteer experience in community-based organization, community advocacy andorganizing, bicycle shop, etc.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with Board of Directors and volunteer members. 
  • Bilingual speakers with a working understanding of bicycle mechanics preferred.

Compensation: Contract $1,500. Project to be developed and implemented during the summer of 2013 to becompleted by August 31, 2013.


To Apply: E-mail cover letter, resume and three references to Amanda Hachey at byJune 18th with “Recycle-a-Bike Program Coordinator” in the subject line. 

18 Jun 2013
La Bikery Co-operative
Moncton  New Brunswick