East Hants wishes to create a new Economic Development Plan to replace their existing plan, the Municipality of East Hants Economic Strategy, created by SGE Acres in 2004. This plan is close to ten years old and East Hants has many new challenges and opportunities that may not have been envisioned when the original Plan was developed, including the key priority of economic growth as envisioned in its 2013 Municipal Strategic Plan. East Hants, therefore, seeks to engage an experienced economic development consulting firm to prepare a new detailed Economic Development Plan.
This new Economic Development Plan will form the foundation of East Hants’ economic vison and growth plan for the next fifteen years and recommend actions for the Municipality as a whole as well as the Department of Economic and Business Development’s annual business plans for the next five years.
Project Scope of Work Overview:
- Develop a project planning document.
- Develop and coordinate a project schedule and critical path.
- Develop the Economic Development Plan (Plan) specifications, process for client reviews of inputs into the Plan and project acceptance procedures.
- Integrate this project where appropriate with the current deliverables, objectives, requirements and schedule of the Municipal Planning Strategy.
- Organize and utilize an Advisory Panel with appropriate regional thought leaders local stakeholders, the business community and industry experts.
- Perform a review and analysis of the current internal municipal environment as it relates to economic development. Research and analyze the current East Hants economy and assess the impact of opportunities and challenges.
- Perform a review and analysis of comparable (based on the Proponent’s previous economic analysis of East Hants) jurisdictions/communities and local government units and best match approaches.
- Conduct a community asset mapping exercise as part of the research phase.
- Prepare the Community Profile document(s)/tool(s).
- Perform community, stakeholders and corporate discoveries and consultations.
- Prepare a fifteen year economic vision with high level tactics and goals to inform the five year action plan and future action plans.
- Prepare a five year action plan that includes realistic, actionable goals and performance measures.
- Develop recommendations and tools in performance measurement best practices and processes for East Hants economic development priorities.
- Prepare the final Plan.
Project Deliverables
- Project plan and critical path
- East Hants Economic Baseline Analysis
- Community Profile document(s)/tool(s)
- A 15 year Strategy and Economic Vision
- A five year Economic Development Action Plan
Proposals must be received by 3pm local time on Tuesday, September 16, 2014