CCEDNet Manitoba Policy Resolution 2011

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Multi-stakeholder Co-op Legislation

Whereas: There are more than 410 cooperatives, credit unions, and caisses populaires in Manitoba, comprising of over 800,000 memberships and almost $10 billion in assets.

Whereas: Collective ownership and co-op development would be strengthened and access to capital would be enhanced if cooperatives could consist of members from various interested stakeholders.

Whereas: The Manitoba Cooperatives Act currently limits the formation of cooperatives to one class of membership.

Whereas: The Province of Manitoba has committed to co-op development through the Co-op Visioning Strategy

Whereas: Cooperatives create economic democracy, root ownership locally, distribute profits equitably, and often create jobs and services in communities where they are otherwise lacking

Be It Resolved That:
CCEDNet Manitoba urge the Province of Manitoba amend the Manitoba Cooperatives Act to allow for the creation of multi-stakeholder co-ops in Manitoba.

Download Multi-Stakeholder Co-op Legislation as a pdf

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