LITE's Annual Pancake Breakfast - This Friday!

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A celebration of Winnipeg’s inner city & Canada's largest CED (community economic development) event.

Friday, November 4
Come and go 7am-11am
Indian and Metis Friendship Centre,
45 Robinson at Dufferin

Enjoy blueberry pancakes, live music by Fred Penner and other musical guests, and get some holiday shopping done at the local crafter’s market.

Tickets: $15 ($5 low income & 6-12, under 6 free) available at LITE's offices (640 Broadway), Mondragon Coffeehouse, or at the door

Funds raised by LITE’s Annual Blueberry Pancake Breakfast directly supports long term poverty reduction in Winnipeg’s inner city. This event helps raise funds for LITE's fall campaign, and brings together supporters and newcomers to LITE, while promoting and demonstrating CED in action. Local musicians, artists, and craftspeople all earn income through the breakfast along with caterer partners. Neechi Foods, a local Aboriginal worker’s co-op, is the grocer for the breakfast.

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More information: contact LITE at 942-8578 or

Click here to visit Local Investment Toward Employment (LITE's) website 


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