Boîte à outils sur le DÉC
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Yellowhead Institute,2019
Mount Royal University, Encompass,2019
Calgary Economic Development, Imagine Cities, Momentum, REAP, Thrive, United Way Calgary and Area, Vibrant Communities Calgary, enough for all,2018
My Community,2018
The Centre for Local Prosperity,2018
Toronto Environmental Alliance,2018
University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation and the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation,2018
L'organisme Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS),2018
Parkdale People's Economy,2018
United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy ,2018
Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology,2018
The Canadian CED Network, The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and Rebel Sky Media,2018
Community Benefits as a Strategy for Economic Inclusion in Ontario: The Eglinton Crosstown LRT StoryThe Atkinson Foundation,2018
Victoria State Government, Australia,2018
Social Enterprise Network of Nova Scotia,2018
The Democracy Collaborative,2018
Terrapin Social Finance,2018