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Citizen-Led Sustainable Change March webinar: Vivre St. Michel en Santé

1-2 pm ET

St. Michel is one of Montreal’s oldest suburbs. Since 2004, Vivre St. Michel en Santé (for a Healthy St. Michel) has employed an innovative urban and social revitalization strategy that has rebranded a neighbourhood once known for its high crime rates and lack of services into one that is known for its active and unified citizens and coordinated action. Particularly innovative are the processes used build “community” among a transient, diverse and largely immigrant population. Vivre St. Michel en Santé takes an integrated approach involving citizens, community organizations, donors and government offices. Collectively, their efforts have helped residents, with its mix of new immigrants, experience a better quality of life in the areas of art, culture, housing, security, health, sports, leisure, transportation and access to services.

Join us on Thursday, March 6, 2014, 1-2 pm ET (noon - 1 pm CT) when Brianne Peters and Jean Panet-Raymond present this Citizen-Led Sustainable Change webinar on an innovative urban and social revitalization strategy.

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Jean Panet-Raymond talks about some of the factors that have contributed to the success of his organization.

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Deb Markley
Center for Rural Entrepreneurship

Education for Co-operation: How do we educate co-operators?

The Measuring the Co-operative Difference Research Network is presenting this webinar to explore how the co-operative sector employs their 5th principle of co-operation - education, training and information.

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The featured speakers are Karen Miner, Christina Clamp and Erin Hancock.

Erin Hancock
Erin will begin by providing the results of a scan of Canadian co-op educational initiatives including those undertaken by primary co-ops, federations, universities and consultants. This research provides an understanding of what type of work is happening and points to opportunities for improvement as well. Erin is the Manager of Research and Education for the Canadian Co-operative Association.
Karen Miner
Karen will speak about the status of a current study for the 2014 International Summit Co-operatives on the state of co-operative management education. Also, she will profile the International Consortium of Leaders in Co-operative Business Education - a new, global network of institutions providing education and training for co-operative enterprises. Karen is the Managing Director of graduate level Co-operative Management Education at Saint Mary’s University.
Christina Clamp
Chris will report on a US-focused cooperative inventory project that captured: the scope of educational and/or training programs and materials; evaluation of specific materials; identification of other outstanding materials; and gaps in, or problems with, cooperative educational materials. Chris also conducted research to map the study of cooperatives in higher education in the USA and Canada in 2012-13.  She will report on the results of both studies and discuss the policy implications for co-op education. Chris Clamp is a professor of sociology at Southern New Hampshire University and director of the doctoral program in Community Economic Development and of the Center for Co-operatives and CED.  

Creating Funds for Social and Environmental Impact - National Launch of 'Community Finance Solutions'

Community Finance Solutions provides expert advisory support to high-potential initiatives creating new impact investing funds and innovative financial products. We envision a vibrant marketplace of effective impact investing funds and innovative financial products in communities across Canada, pooling and placing capital to create social and environmental impact.
The national launch will take place on Thursday, March 6, 2014 at 12 p.m. EST through a webinar. The launch event is entitled Creating Funds for Social and Environmental Impact and will provide an insider’s view on developing a new impact investing fund. The launch webinar will be moderated by Katie Gibson from the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing and will feature the following speakers:
  • Jane Bisbee, Social Enterprise Fund (Edmonton, AB)
  • Garth Davis, New Market Funds (Vancouver, BC)
  • Margie Mendell, Concordia University speaking about La Fiducie du Chantier de l'économie sociale (Montreal, QC)

Who is eligible for support?

Our clients are individuals and organisations located across Canada who are working to launch new impact investing funds or innovative financial products. Please see our online application for more details.
Community Finance Solutions could support the following types of initiatives:
  • Creation of an investment fund focusing on First Nations communities, affordable housing, sustainable food and water, or renewable energy;
  • Development of a community loan fund for local businesses;
  • Creation of a blended philanthropic and investment fund to finance projects with a social mission;
  • Issuance of a community bond to finance an infrastructure project; and
  • A variety of other impact investing funds and products that meet our established criteria.

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More information:

For more information or if you have further questions about Community Finance Solutions, please contact or visit our website. 

Good Till the Last Drop: Strategies to Manage Stormwater While Greening Communities & Creating Jobs

Speaker: Sharyn Inward, Program Manager, RAIN, Green Communities Canada
Managing stormwater with infrastructure improvements can help to mitigate the impact of traditional development practices, which can cause the combined volume of rain and wastewater to exceed a sewer system’s capacity. Pollutants in the runoff from rainwater can destroy biodiversity, while excess stormwater backups can result in the increase of street and basement flooding. Practices that can green stormwater infrastructure include modifications to a range of soil, water and plant systems in order to green housing, yards, community spaces and municipal lands that intercept stormwater, infiltrating a portion of it back into the ground, air and sewer system.
Affordable housing providers, municipal environmental service departments and community organizations will have an opportunity to learn about practical, cost effective stormwater management solutions, such as rain gardens, treescapes, rain barrels, container gardens and porous pavement. We will be joined by Green Communities Canada Sharyn Inward, who will discuss these strategies, along with exciting new programs in the United States that work with housing, neighborhood groups, schools and businesses to manage stormwater that, in addition to creating jobs, have created more livable, prettier communities with higher property values and improved health outcomes.

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Sharyn Inward has over twentyyears of experience researching, developing, funding, implementing, managing and evaluating community-based environmental awareness and action programs. Notable examples include Cancer Prevention (Women’s Health and Environmental Network) and Well Aware and Pesticide Free Naturally (Green Communities Canada). Sharyn’s latest work includes developing and implementing the RAIN Program, addressing lot-level stormwater management in eight Ontario communities and Depave Paradise, both for Green Communities Canada, as well as designing green buildings and houses in her spare time. Areas of specialization include community engagement, program development, water quality, stormwater, energy efficiency, green building, passive solar greenhouses and architecture for small, natural buildings.
  • Green Communities Canada(GCC) is a national association of community organizations that help people go green – in their homes and gardens, on the road, at work and in the community. Sharing knowledge and best practices, GCC is a leader in delivering programs and services at the community level, and is represented in every region of the country.

Space is limited. REGISTER NOW!

Please note that, as always, webinars are free for CHRA members. 
For non-members, the cost is $40 + tax.

Building Leadership for the Long Haul

3:00 pm - 4:15 pm Eastern

What’s the difference between a plan that’s put into place and one that’s put on a shelf? People. If you want something to show for your hard work, you need to build strong local leadership and grassroots support. This webinar will focus on how to grow effective local leaders who can nurture volunteers, corral resources and build the public support that can move community design or planning work from paper to practice.

Join Milan Wall from the Heartland Center for Leadership Development to learn about their research on keys to thriving communities and effective leadership. Milan will describe characteristics of effective local leaders, roles and responsibilities to guide community action, and tips for recruiting new leaders in a changing world.

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This call is part of a capacity-building series offered jointly by CommunityMatters and the Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design.


What It Takes to Be an Effective Community Leader


Milan Wall, Co-Director of the Heartland Center for Leadership Development


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