9:00am to 12:00pm
United Way of Winnipeg (580 Main Street)
CCEDNet Mbrs: $25 | Non-Members: $75
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The workshop will provide the opportunity to discuss why and how increased involvement of staff in decision making can be effective. The role of organizational policies and management practices will be reviewed in terms of creating a work culture that feels safe for participation. We will also explore some of the skills and attitudes that are important for both groups and individuals, and the added skills required of managers, for a participative work culture to be sustained and garner the benefits attributed to greater staff involvement in decision-making.
Cindy Coker is the Executive Director of SEED Winnipeg, a non-profit community economic development organization focused on business development, financial literacy training and asset building for individuals and communities. She joined SEED Winnipeg in 2002 with extensive experience working in the economic development field in the United States, primarily using a worker cooperative model for enterprise development. Cindy worked as a consultant to worker cooperatives, providing advice and training in the areas of management design and training, financial systems, and strategic planning. She was a founding member of a worker cooperative network in the field of childcare and served as its initial president. She later served as the executive director for a non-profit set up by the network to oversee development, training and organizing projects. Cindy has an undergraduate degree in psychology and studied educational and social psychology at the graduate level. She was an organizing member of the National Network of Sector Partners in the US, served as one of the delegates for the Ms Foundation for Women to the United Nations International Conference on Women in China in 1995. Cindy currently serves as a member of the Manitoba Cooperative Association, Chairs the Community Advisory Committee for the Business Chair in Cooperative Enterprises located in the Business and Administration Department at the University of Winnipeg.
For more information:
Contact Sarah at sleesonklym at ccednet-rcdec.ca; 204-943-0547
This Strengthening Non-Profits workshop is brought to you by Spark, a pro bono matching service of the Canadian CED Network, with the financial support of the United Way of Winnipeg