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Photos and the Web


Photos have become common place. With cameras now in nearly every cellphone and cellphones in almost every pocket, quality photos are easy to get and taken readily. We will take a look at how to keep your photos looking great while reducing the size so they don't slow your website, discuss the difference between number of pixels, pixel density and image size and take a quick look at options for cameras and editing software.
The presentation will be Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 2:00pm in the GreenIt Classroom (links will be sent out via email prior to the presentation if you have signed up). It should be approximately 15 minutes in length.



TECHtogether is an innovative cross-sectoral partnership that transforms how small non-profits use technology day-to-day to communicate ideas and share knowledge. The Canadian CED Network is a proud partner in this project.


WordPress: Making Things Easier - A TechTogether Webinar


Websites are getting more complex and more involved every day. Terms like HTML 5, Web 2.0, and PHP can be intimidating. As they become more complicated, web sites are also becoming even more important. When people want to find out more about something, often their first stop is the web. Google is hit with over 4.7 billion searches every day. You can't afford to be without a web presence but developing and maintaining a website can be incredibly expensive if you have to hire someone to do it. With WordPress, you can do most of the work yourself very easily without having to know much, if any, code and training others to use it is simple. We'll talk about how easily it can be learned and used without sacrificing any power or flexibility. 
The presentation will be Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 2:00pm in the GreenIt Classroom (links will be sent out via email prior to the presentation if you have signed up). It should be approximately 15 minutes in length.



TECHtogether is an innovative cross-sectoral partnership that transforms how small non-profits use technology day-to-day to communicate ideas and share knowledge. The Canadian CED Network is a proud partner in this project.

Telling a Digital Story - Tech Together Webinar


Telling a digital story

From the time that we are young, we are told stories. These stories help to shape our lives and expand our language through reference and metaphor. Stories remain a large part of our life regardless of age and are a valuable resource. Telling the story of your organization can help you attract and keep clients and opportunities. Stories allow people to get a better understanding about your organization and to connect. There are so many ways to tell a digital story, be it pictures, videos, social media or the much more traditional blog or article post, you really can tell your story your way. We'll take a brief look at how telling a good digital story can help you.
The presentation will be Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 2:00pm in the GreenIt Classroom (links will be sent out via email prior to the presentation if you have signed up). It should be approximately 15 minutes in length.


TECHtogether is an innovative cross-sectoral partnership that transforms how small non-profits use technology day-to-day to communicate ideas and share knowledge. The Canadian CED Network is a proud partner in this project.


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