Creating Inclusive Employment: The Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy
"Manitoba social enterprises, such as BUILD and ImagineAbility, have a proven track record of helping people – who may have never held a job – enter the workforce. This year we will work with social enterprises to create a comprehensive strategy to grow the sector and create more first jobs."
~ 2014 Manitoba Budget Speech
In February 2015, the Manitoba government launched the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy. Co-created by the Canadian Community Economic Development Network, the Strategy aims to create jobs in the province through the development of social enterprises.
Based on six pillars, the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy is a bold statement by the province about the importance of social enterprises in job creation and the role that government can play to support the growth of this burgeoning component of the economy.
This webinar recording:
- Examines the Canadian and international landscape of social enterprise strategies and supports and compare Manitoba's new strategy
- Describes how CCEDNet and the provincial government led an inclusive process to 'co-construct' the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy
- Provides highlights of the strategy: strengths and weaknesses or particularities
- Shares lessons and advice for other jurisdictions
Zachary Saltis, Project Manager, Priorities and Planning Committee of Cabinet
Zac has been a Project Manager in the Priorities and Planning Committee of the Manitoba Cabinet since 2013. The Committee was formed in 2012 and is responsible for prioritizing and setting direction for social policies and overseeing the implementation of these policies. Zac is interested in strategies for addressing issues around economic development, employment, and income distribution. He has an M.A. in Economics from the University of Manitoba.
Darcy Penner, Social Enterprise Policy & Program Co-ordinator
Darcy has been working in community economic development since graduating from the University of Winnipeg with a BA (Honours) degree in Politics. Starting at CCEDNet in 2013, his role has seen him work with member-organizations to pursue a broad policy agenda through workshops, presentations, budget submissions, policy papers and community-organizing, while specializing in supportive social enterprise policy and research – including coordinating the Manitoba Social Enterprise Sector Survey and the Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy being co-created with the Province of Manitoba.
David LePage, Accelerating Social Impact CCC
David is a member (and past Chair) of CCEDNet's Policy Council. He is a Principal with Accelerating Social Impact CCC, Ltd. (ASI), one of Canada’s first incorporated social purpose hybrid corporations. Through ASI David provides direct support and strategic advice to blended value businesses, social enterprises and social finance developments. He is involved in multiple public policy initiatives and research projects to support the social enterprise ecosystem across Canada. ASI is a partner in launching and building the Buy Social Canada campaign. He is the former Team Manager of Enterprising Non-Profits, where he led the effort to expand the enp social enterprise development and training model across Canada. He initiated Canada’s first Social Purchasing Portal in 2003.
Additional Resources
- The Manitoba Social Enterprise Strategy
- A blog post about the launch by Darcy Penner, CCEDNet Manitoba Social Enterprise Policy & Program Co-ordinator
- Canada Case Study: Co-Construction of Public Policy for the Social Economy
- Strengthening Communities Through Government and Social Economy Partnerships
- 2015 Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise