LITE's 19th Annual Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast
7:00AM to 10:00AM
Every November since 1996, LITE - Local Investment Toward Employment, a public Foundation dedicated to alleviating poverty in Winnipeg's inner city, host the Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast.
You can expect 700 people, 2000 blueberry pancakes accompanied with other yummy breakfast items, a crafters market featuring 24 stalls for local artisans to sell their handmade wares, 5 local artists performing their original music, and a dedicated Kids Area for our littlest supporters.
Did you know that by attending our Breakfast you're supporting LITE's Alternative Hamper Campaign - which last year resulted in hamper goods for 1600 inner city people in need?
Your $15 ticket purchase also supports our 5 catering partners; Spence Neighbourhood Association, Wolseley Family Place, Neechi Foods, Andrews Street Family Centre and the Native Women's Transition Centre.
NEW this year - Our Breakfast is now Fair Trade Certified!
Tell your friends, family and colleagues - help us reach our goal of a 1000 attendees this year!